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Print Marketing: Seeping with Emotion

What’s a statement that rings true since the dawn of marketing? Emotion sells. As a greater number of consumers prioritise experiences over material goods, individuals are 7 times more likely to make a purchase when they have a positive emotional association with a specific brand. Justifying the rising interest in contemporary interactive marketing devices like virtual and augmented reality, this craving for all things personal boils down to one simple explanation; consumers are human.

Advertising campaigns with purely emotional content perform twice as well as those with only rational content. The tactile power of print can help overcome digital overload and trigger emotional responses towards a brand – or to put it simply, getting touchy-feely works. Here are 3 reasons why:

Hands-on learning
Afraid of getting too hands-on? Don’t be. Even though digital content is processed faster, physical marketing material such as printed mailers clock in a higher average when it comes to the time that consumers spend with them. And to make things better, the tactile sensation of touch leads to a deeper footprint in the brain – talk about getting emotional!

Scent-sational marketing
How does an entire generation so strongly associate fruit-scented glitter pens with childhood memories? One of the biggest reasons they cannot get that fake strawberry scent out of their mind is because of its sensory appeal. Using a multi-pronged approach, those shimmery pens employed both olfactory and visual senses to reel in consumers. In fact, research commissioned by branding expert Martin Lindstorm shows that media which appeals to more than three senses can increase brand impact and engagement by over 70%. Print’s ability to trigger emotions using the consumer’s senses can effectively build lasting connections with its audience.

Custom-fit strategies
There’s nothing consumers appreciate more than an individualised effort – and brand owners are adapting fast. Gone is the “take-it-or-leave-it” policy that most brands (and moms at the dinner table) would employ earlier. Using intelligent, individualised print in cohesion with digital marketing is more likely to achieve the emotional connection that brands need. It ensures that the customer stays receptive to further communication and even becomes a positive brand advocate.

Connecting with your consumer on a personal, tactile level makes intelligent print marketing a highly advantageous form of advertising that leaves a deeper impact than you can imagine. So, the next time you’re leafing through your favourite magazine ask yourself this: is it time to rethink the mediums being used for your communication?

Source: “Getting Emotional With Print Marketing.” The Arabian Marketer, Apr. 2019.