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Penetrating the MENA E-Commerce Market

Have you clicked the “Checkout” button while on an online shopping splurge lately? You’re not alone. Valued at $1.6 billion, the UAE e-commerce scene is undeniably on the rise. And how could it not be? With fashion websites like Namshi and Shein Arabia offering perks like same-day delivery and incredibly affordable options, consumers can enjoy their own Carrie Bradshaw-esque wardrobe at a fraction of the price. Moreover, Amazon UAE rising from the ashes of Souq has further cemented the fact that e-commerce opportunities in the UAE are ripe for the picking. Here are 3 ways to help your brand make its mark on the e-commerce market.

A technical romance
The MENA region has one of the highest smartphone and internet usage rates in the world. Hence it is obvious that the average consumer has the digital know-how needed to explore their fashion options online. Think back to your mid-work lunchtime shopping breaks where you tilt away your screen and browse the latest deals from your favourite brands – you’re actually part of the 61% of shoppers in the UAE that were inspired to make their initial discoveries online. Similarly, you need to keep in mind that your consumers’ online shopping journey is crucial to your brand’s success.

Have your data and use it too
How likely are you to purchase that customised travel backpack that popped up on your Facebook feed? Probably not so much. But what if you keep visiting the same website to check for new models or discount sales? Intelligent algorithms are constantly tracking your online behavior to know you are now much more inclined to make a purchase. A popular home goods store took this one step further. When monitoring traffic on their website, they decided to bring together online and offline data through their loyalty cards and realised that customers who conducted online research before visiting their brick-and-mortar establishments had a 39% higher Average Order Value (AOV) compared to those who didn’t. Now that’s a great way to employ your data and make it work for you.

Pout and connect
While trendsetters in the MENA region are certainly anything but ordinary, over 66% of queries actually start off pretty generic. Your consumer, therefore, is open to choices, and that’s where technology can step in to help you connect. Take for example Sephora’s Virtual Artist, a software that was launched both in-app and on the web to help the consumer try on makeup looks from the brands they have to offer. These virtual offerings allow consumers to explore their options like never before and help them narrow down their generic searches to find a product they actually want to buy. Try that on for size!

With e-commerce in the MENA region showing no signs of slowing down, brands must learn to recognise online habits that reveal consumer preferences to stay ahead of the game. After all, the greatest shopping journeys start with a single click.

Source: “The 4 Focus Areas of MENA’s Rising Fashion e-Commerce Scene.” Think with Google, June 2019.