
Email Marketing and Millennials

email marketing

Who’s got the moolah? Millennials, millennials, millennials! This generation’s long-term spending potential makes them a highly desired target, but the question is – how does this generation need to be marketed to differently? Here are a few tips that can help you slide into their emails and stand out.

Go mobile

With 72% of 18-34 year olds using their smartphone as their main device to check their emails, it’s time to make sure your communication is adapted to the appropriate format. But it isn’t just about that! Timing and personalization are both key elements here. Over 50% of 18-24 year olds and 43% of 25-34 year olds check their emails first thing in the morning, and they get frustrated when the recommended products aren’t the ones they are interested in. Try to make sure that your communication is adapted for the right place, goes out at the right time, and is tailored to your audience.

Abandonment issues galore

One of the most frustrating issues for any e-retailer? Abandoned shopping carts. But there is a silver lining. According to Bluecore, abandoned cart emails have a much higher conversion rate and average value than average emails. Headlines such as ‘Don’t forget about me…’ are more likely to result in engagement rather than ‘You’ve left something in your basket’, so don’t hesitate to get creative and engage your audience while highlighting perks like free delivery or express shipping.

Serve and protect

The younger generation keeps a close eye on what brand they provide personal data to, and are also curious about how companies are using that information. According to YouGov, 70% of millennials expressed frustration when sent ‘irrelevant’ emails from brands. When they receive a marketing email, 22% wonder how a company got hold of their address, so don’t forget to be transparent or you’ll lose their trust!

Contrary to popular belief, email marketing is still an effective way to reach out to millennials. However, brands must adapt their campaigns to engage them successfully. Brands must cater to the millennial audience by sending out communication that is specifically tailored to be personal and engaging while reaching out at the right time.

Source: Hanson, Guy. “Effective Email Marketing for Millennials: How to Make the Most of the Opportunity.”