
How to Spark Emotion Through Social Media?

Do you have a social media strategy? Of course you do. Everyone does—or so they say.

But what everyone doesn’t know is that writing awesome content is the starting line, not the finish! So, throw out the idea that all you should be doing is saying “Check this out” in your social media updates, tossing your link up, and hoping for the best.

If content is fire, and social media is the gasoline, make sure you’re throwing the gas in the right direction. Now you’ll ask, “How do I do it?”

It’s as basic as using 5 words effectively. You have seen these words before. They are so subtle; you don’t even recognize that they’re making your brain spin overtime processing the information that comes from them.

If you haven’t guessed it already, we’re talking about the Five Ws, AKA the most powerful words you can use to attract people on social media.

Word #1: WHO
The word “Who” automatically makes the person want to find out who this is and how we can get them into our community. It is a common psychological trigger that is closely related to #FOMO.

Word #2: WHAT
The term “What” makes people pay attention because you are indirectly telling them that you’ve got something they need. If you take a look at article titles today, we almost guarantee that you will see this word at some point.

Word #3: WHEN
As creatures of the clock, we’re obsessed with time and don’t want to wait forever for things to happen. So, if you promise something, people will immediately want to know ‘when’ and they will only stay interested if it happens fast. Use this word wisely.

Word #4: WHERE
Using the word “Where” brings a more personal approach, it makes the reader want to go to the place you’re talking about. No one wants to be left out and telling someone where something is triggers an emotion. They won’t be able to resist the urge to click.

Word #5: WHY
These three little letters demand an answer right away! It gets the reader to think about what you want. Perhaps that’s why the best blogs always ask a question.

Psychological triggers happen all around us; in social media, in content and video marketing, in visual design psychology, and more. What you need to remember is that everything you do influences people. Using content and social strategy that will have an amplified emotional effect will surely help engage your audiences better.
