
How to find the right customers online

Online Lead Generation

When it comes to lead generation, everyone seems to have an opinion- but not necessarily the answer. And yet, isn’t that the key objective of every marketer?

Let’s break it down to first understand what lead generation really means. A ‘lead’ is a person. A person who is interested in your business or service. And a successful lead is generated when you turn this potential interest into a paying customer.

Yes of course, you’re interested in ‘how’! Because you’ve heard how your minimal budget blocks your star sales team from getting the right leads. What if we said we can help?

Marketing in 2019

Marketing has evolved radically over the last decade, but marketers have not. Thus, the mantra for lead generation is ideally defined by:

  1. The right strategy
  2. The right content
  3. The right communication

There are all kinds of leads in the world- because there are all kinds of people in the world. And that’s the crux of this process- Identify your target audience down to the closest detail. This will help you focus your messaging to generate high-quality leads, rather than high-volume ones. When you know what they need, you know exactly how to help. And that’s how they’re hooked.

What hooks can you use?

A common (though debated) catch-phrase is that the human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text. Keeping the popularity of Instagram or Snapchat in mind, it’s safe to assume that visual content is the way forward.

Businesses can use successful visual lead generators like the below:

  1. eBooks and guides
    Downloads for these are usually preceded by a lead generation form. Users prefer a connection via their details in return for a relevant source of information.
  2. Infographics
    Highlight information with clear and creative images so you satisfy intrigue aesthetically. Think a sharp-brained individual that walks towards you on long legs!
  3. Webinars and Presentations
    Webinars are more effective when accompanied by presentations as they enable context.
  4. Video
    Viewers are 64 – 85% more likely to buy after watching a product video. (Source- Marketing Guru, Neil Patel). Enough said.

So. Audience-check, content-check. What next?

Make them pay. And by that we mean, convert your leads to customers.

How do you do this?

Stop selling. You read that right.

Create a unique communication strategy that is personalized and slowly nurture your leads to understand how your business is the solution they were looking for.

Don’t chase them with what you have. Lure them with what they need.

Source: Neil Patel- Lead Generation Hacks: 6 Strategies That Will Grow Your Leads By 113%.