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Radio & Digital – The Perfect Duo - Team Red Dot

Radio & Digital – The Perfect Duo


Radio is an extremely powerful and vibrant marketing tool. People often listen while commuting and consume the messaging because the attention is almost always 100%. Radio reaches 93% of the total population of the UAE every week (according to Nielson). The disruptions in the recent past on radio has led many to believe its dying, but on the contrary it is getting stronger with opportunities such as in-app listening and more.

Digital is a steadily growing medium which allows precise targeting and data for tailoring any campaign to reach out to specific audiences. Combine both these mediums and we get a killer combo! For example, did you know that there would be a 29% increase in search due to radio? This powerful combination will create a nearly infallible marketing strategy, resulting into higher ROI.


Digital efforts are crucial to a company’s success. To be clear, 81% of consumers conduct online research before buying a product or service. Combining radio with digital efforts has proven to drive a much higher ROI and improve two-way communication with audiences. A collaboration between radio and digital allows for your message to be reinforced across multiple platforms.


While preparing the radio strategy, we identify the ideal customer using data on age, background, consumer habits, etc., allowing us to place the ads in the right radio format and shows. Similarly, the digital strategy will include carefully placing the visual ads in places where the customers are visiting.

Combining radio and digital is a surefire way to increase ROI. From radio jingles to banner ads, if the campaign is targeted to the right audience, we can ensure that the result of this perfect duo gives the client a much better recall rate and higher ROI.